G. Douglas Vallee Limited was retained by the City of Sarnia as the Prime Consultant, Architect, and Structural Engineer for the City of Sarnia Fire Station No. 3.

The City of Sarnia expressed interest in producing an efficient and environmentally conscious building using the LEED objectives as a guide to the design. To address this client objective, the Vallee design team included a LEED Specialist; this individual reviews the efficiency and environmental design of the building. Vallee’s design team, with a broad portfolio of fire station experience, was able to incorporate this specialty team member to achieve the high design standards and objectives of this project.

In addition to using local materials and trades where possible, Sarnia Fire Station No. 3 features in-floor heating, energy-efficient lighting, an automated energy-efficient diesel exhaust capturing system, high- efficiency contaminant ventilation system, and a roof-top heating and cooling unit with energy recovery.

The 8,500-square-foot station includes dual drive-through apparatus bays housing three (3) trucks, bunker gear extraction and drying zones, captain’s office, living accommodations, universal washroom, historic display room, lounge, kitchen, and fitness centre.