The McGauley Bridge at the Dertinger-MacDonald Crossing near Teeterville is a contemporary bridge that replaced a century-old, single-lane pony truss bridge.

OSIM inspections carried out by Vallee engineers revealed significant deficiencies in the bridge’s critical elements. In 2013, the former truss was analysed and load-tested, resulting in our firm’s recommendation to reduce the posted load limit. After presenting options for remediation, the County chose to replace the ageing bridge and the new design incorporated aesthetic embellishments and a commemoration plaque, honouring the heritage-valued pony truss bridge.

Prior to the replacement, McGauley Bridge (also known as Lot 22 Concession 9 Bridge) was one of just seven known riveted steel Warren pony truss bridges in Norfolk County and the only one of its kind to have remained in use. It was a surviving remnant between lands owned by the MacDonalds and Dertingers, two families instrumental in the development of Windham Township.