
  • Vallee in the News: Heritage building could be saved, engineer says

    After a Smiths Falls heritage building destroyed by fire earlier this month was initially recommended to be demolished, Vallee’s Ryan Elliott, P.Eng., BDS, C.E., was called in to provide an inspection and a second opinion. Read more about his findings and the results here.

  • Vallee In The News: New housing development proposed for Waterford

    G. Douglas Vallee Limited proposed a new residential project was presented to Norfolk County councillors on Tuesday on behalf of Verlinda Homes. Silos of Waterford, a 272-unit housing development, has been proposed for the former agricultural depot at West Church and McCool Streets and includes plans for single-family homes, single-storey, studio and one-bedroom units, as well as some accessory dwellings. Read more from the Simcoe Reformer here.

  • Project Award: Ann & East Streets

    We are honoured to have been awarded the full reconstruction of Ann and East Streets in Delhi by Norfolk County. The design phase is scheduled to be completed this year and construction is scheduled to begin in 2024, including the removal of the railway bridge over East Street.

  • Vallee In The News: Norfolk County council approves Waterford subdivision

    More housing is coming to Norfolk County, as plans for a 68-unit subdivision were brought to Council by Vallee. The residential development will  be built at Charles and Washington Streets in Waterford and include a mix of detached, bungalow and townhomes. Read more here, from the Simcoe Reformer.

  • Vallee In the News: Council approves Argyle Street development in Simcoe

    A new residential development is moving ahead in Simcoe, as Norfolk County councillors approved a zoning amendment and plans for the project at Wednesday’s council meeting. The condominium project by Boer Homes Construction will consist of six semi-detached units built at 210 Argyle Street, with construction slated to begin later this year. Read more here, from the Simcoe Reformer.

  • Donation to Community

    This holiday season, G. Douglas Vallee Limited decided to give back to the community by supporting local families and donating to the Salvation Army’s Christmas Hamper program. This program partners with community-based organizations, service groups, and churches to ensure individuals and families throughout Norfolk County are supplied with the food needed to prepare a festive Christmas meal.

    The Salvation Army, which began its work in London, England, in 1865, has grown substantially since its first endeavours and continues to have positive effects within our local community. We thank all of those who are part of this organization and wish all of its members a Merry Christmas and all the best in 2023.

  • Project Award: City of Thorold Fire Station

    The City of Thorold and G. Douglas Vallee Limited are
    excited about the upcoming build of the new 16,000-square-foot District 1 Fire
    Station in Thorold, Ontario. August 11, 2022, marked the groundbreaking
    ceremony for this event; construction is anticipated to begin in early
    September of this year with an estimated completion in mid-2024. The facility
    will be Thorold’s new fire headquarters, also functioning as an Emergency
    Operations Centre, and will house 88 fire staff, along with 21 career and 25
    volunteer firefighters.

    Learn more about this project here.

  • Simcoe Toyota is Growing!

    After 32 years, the Simcoe Toyota dealership is now in the process of expanding. In February of this year, the family-run business started construction of a new dealership which will be more than double its current size. This new building, expected to be finished in August 2023, will still have the same Queensway address but will boast a brand new face.

    More details are available in this article from the Simcoe Reformer.

  • Bridging the Gap: Heritage Professionals Cover Story

    Waterford Trail Pedestrian Bridges has been featured as the cover story of the provincial newsletter for the Canadian Association of Heritage Professionals. Our own Ryan Elliott wrote the article with the photographic cooperation of the Waterford Heritage & Agriculture Museum and local amateur photographer Joe Postill.

    This cluster of four bridges (Thompson Overpass, Black Bridge, Miedema Bridge, and East Gap Bridge) form an integral part of the Shadow Lake Trail system and the revitalization of downtown Waterford. All of the bridges were proudly designed by the Structural Team at G. Douglas Vallee Limited!

    You can read the story by clicking here.

  • Congratulations Mark Martynowicz And Yvonne Martin on Your Retirement!

    We want to take this opportunity to thank Mark Martynowicz
    and Yvonne Martin for their many years of dedication and hard work here at G.
    Douglas Vallee Limited and wish them both the very best on their retirement.

    Mark Martynowicz, Director of Architecture, has been with
    Vallee since 2006. Licensed by the Ontario Association of Architects, Mark
    brought over 35 years of design and consulting experience with him. His
    portfolio was impressive and recognized while working on projects such as
    elementary and secondary schools with the BHNCDSB and GEDSB, fire/EMS stations
    ranging from as close as Norfolk County and as far as Township of Severn,
    various medical facilities, and extensive industrial facilities, including Toyotetsu
    and Unilever. Mark was a valuable asset to our team and his experience,
    ability, and knowledge will be greatly missed. Congratulations on your
    retirement; we wish you the very best as you begin your new adventure.

    Yvonne Martin started with G. Douglas Vallee Limited in 1998
    at our original Park Road office, where her job ranged from helping the
    technicians doing fieldwork to completing accounting and HR responsibilities.
    As the company expanded, Yvonne’s focus turned to Finance and HR. She continued
    with that for many years and, in 2021, decided it was time for her retirement.
    She has been a woman that wore many hats while at Vallee and will be greatly
    missed. Congratulations on your retirement; we wish you the vest best as you
    begin your new adventure.